Titolo Rivista MECOSAN
Autori/Curatori Rocco Agrifoglio, Paola Briganti, Concetta Metallo, Luisa Varriale
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2023/125
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 18 P. 11-28 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mesa2023-125oa16833
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Recently, the literature observed a significant growth of studies on the healthcare communities of practice, above all for their contribution in addressing the health crises, and in particular the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the literature on the topic is still fragmentary, especially with concern of the bottom-up citizens’ engagement approach. This study aims to explore the contribution of healthcare communities of practice in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic through the citizens engagement. Based on the casestudy method, we conducted a qualitative analysis on the community created in Italy named “Comitato Cura Domiciliare Covid” (Covid Home Care Committee). The paper focuses on the experience of this health care community of practice, seeking to identify major challenges and opportunities for supporting policymakers and clinicians dealing with a health crise.
Rocco Agrifoglio, Paola Briganti, Concetta Metallo, Luisa Varriale, Virtual healthcare communities of practice: An Italian experience during the Covid-19 pandemic in "MECOSAN" 125/2023, pp 11-28, DOI: 10.3280/mesa2023-125oa16833