Henri Prost e la città coloniale nel Marocco francese, 1914-1923

Titolo Rivista STORIA URBANA
Autori/Curatori Angelo Bertoni
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/92
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. Dimensione file 462 KB
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The colonisation of Northern Africa by the French ended in 1912 with the institution of the Morocco Protectorate. General Hubert Lyautey, keen on town planning and with years of experience in the colonies, was appointed Résident Général. The most interesting aspect of his work was urban politics as based on two principles: the complete separation of the native city from the European one as well as the safeguard and the restoration of the «medinas». Lyautey assigned the planning of new towns to the architect. Henri Prost, who applied the most modern principles of town planning, which had been extensively debated at the Section d’Hygiène Urbaine et Rurale of the Musée Social in Paris, of which he was a member. Thus, colonial cities in Morocco became real urban laboratories, true models of town planning for other overseas possessions and also for France itself.;

Angelo Bertoni, Henri Prost e la città coloniale nel Marocco francese, 1914-1923 in "STORIA URBANA " 92/2000, pp , DOI: