Author/s Sabrina Capra, Silvia Soppa
Publishing Year 2003 Issue 2002/68
Language Italian Pages 16 P. File size 156 KB
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The paper deals with the evolution of the concept of "governance" for the natural resources, in the earlier Nineties, as a pluralist approach to managing natural resources, incorporating a number of partners in a variety of roles. In Italy, the planning and management of natural resources is assigned to administrative bodies, which work trying to mediate the different and sometimes conflictual interests of the stakeholders involved in the protected areas. The paper shows some examples in which these public and private actors have managed their common concerns with good results, by way of agreements and compromises. Thus it is possible to describe these processes as "governance in progress".
Sabrina Capra, Silvia Soppa, La governance nei parchi italiani in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 68/2002, pp , DOI: