Episcopato germanico, Santa Sede e potere politico durante il pontificato di Pio IX

Autori/Curatori Massimiliano Valente
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2003/12
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. Dimensione file 233 KB
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The institution of Episcopal conferences were under way in Europe during the first period of the 19th century, coinciding with the pontificate of Pius IX. In the German regions the dynamics taking place between the conventus episcoporum, the Vatican and the governments of 1848 up to 1878 presented a very interesting case. This period saw the attempts of regional and national conferences that were a response to the needs that sprang out of the State-Church relationship that the bishops were called to address at a collegial level in accordance to the directives given by the Vatican. What become of great interest however, was the almost dip-lomatic role played by the Episcopal conference of Fulda during the Kulturkampf due to it becoming the bridge between the central organs of the Catholic church and the Prussian government, the subject of which the final part of this paper is dedicated to.;

Massimiliano Valente, Episcopato germanico, Santa Sede e potere politico durante il pontificato di Pio IX in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 12/2003, pp , DOI: