Persuasione senza menzogna. Un'analisi empirica dei processi decisionali

Autori/Curatori Daniele Scarpi
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2005/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 19 P. Dimensione file 167 KB
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Persuading without Liying: an Empirical Analysis of Decision Making A great deal of research has discussed the effects of presentation order and product category on decision making. However, very few studies empirically test the numerous theoretical suggestions, and such analyses are usually based on ad hoc experiments considering hypothetical situations (or bets) and small convenience samples. Here we investigate the effects of presentation order considering a natural setting and using real data, for two different products (computers and clothes). The empirical results provide support to some of the key-hypotheses advanced by the relevant literature, but also highlight some nuances and differences. These suggest that the effects depend upon the nature of the information considered and upon the type of product. In fact, the effects are emphasized when characteristics are more difficult to compare and where there is a greater interaction between consumers and products.;

Daniele Scarpi, Persuasione senza menzogna. Un'analisi empirica dei processi decisionali in "MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ" 4/2005, pp , DOI: