Red Aces: propuesta de un marco para la ambientalizaciòn curricular de los estudios superiores

Autori/Curatori Mercè Junyent, Anna M. Geli
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. 134-145 Dimensione file 221 KB
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The university is a potential driving force of change towards sustainability and there is no doubt that the great challenge of the 21st century for institutions of higher education is to train professionals who are critical of current developments in our society and capable of acting in favour of sustainability. It has to take in account that is not possible to achieve objectives of sustainability in a closed and impermeable space. It is necessary to work in a diversity of contexts and build real progress in knowledge, while creating and elaborating answers and strategies with a high level of transferability and validity among different realities.. It is in this framework that the ACES network (Curriculum Greening of Higher Education, acronym in Spanish) was created with universities that were aware of applying curriculum greening and that had previous experiences in tasks related with this issue. The University of Girona in Spain have been coordinated, since 2000, the ACES network of five European and six Latin-American universities. This network carried out the project Orienting Curriculum of Higher Education Studies towards Sustainability: Designing interventions and analysing the process (ALFA Programme, European Union, 2001-03). The aim of this paper is to present some of the more relevant results from the ACES network project, specifically: the definition of Curriculum Greening in Higher Education, the ACES model, understood as the characteristics that could orientate the curriculum towards sustainability, and some possibilities of application of this model. de este modelo.;

Mercè Junyent, Anna M. Geli, Red Aces: propuesta de un marco para la ambientalizaciòn curricular de los estudios superiores in "CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA '" 1/2007, pp 134-145, DOI: