L’influenza della famiglia nello sviluppo della vita amorosa

Titolo Rivista INTERAZIONI
Autori/Curatori John Carl Flügel
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. 27-38 Dimensione file 187 KB
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An Italian translation of a chapter from J.C. Flügel’s 1921 book on The Psychoanalytical Study of the Family is proposed for a fresh consideration in the light of subsequent developments of family and marital therapies. In Flügel’s paper Family influences in the development of the love life are examined, starting from some main Freudian ideas about love cathexis and its displacement from primary objects up to relationships which characterize adult life: the first one, presented in Freud’s Introduction to Narcissismus, is about the two kinds of love, here defined as narcissistic type and dependence type; the second one views the Edipus complex as central in all human relationships; finally, a pivotal role is played by the concept of displacement, which is the only one which can explain the normal and all-important process of falling in love and particularly that most striking but at the same time most mystifying aspect of that process which we call love at first sight. In this careful and in-depth study we can find some interesting and surprisingly topical insights, as well as intriguing examples from literature, social phenomena and historical events.;

John Carl Flügel, L’influenza della famiglia nello sviluppo della vita amorosa in "INTERAZIONI" 1/2007, pp 27-38, DOI: