La nevrosi familiare

Titolo Rivista INTERAZIONI
Autori/Curatori René Laforgue
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 43-60 Dimensione file 199 KB
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Drawing from the recurring observation that children of neurotic parents are more or less severely neurotic themselves, and may often recover through parents treatment alone, the Author states that neurosis arises in the family environment and formulates therefore the concept of family neurosis. In this paper several illustrations are offered in order to show how marriage enables each partner to look for his/her complementary neurosis, as it is expressed in the spouse. Moreover, defences jointly implemented by the partners to ward off sexuality and to seek refuge in early libidinal stages are also examined. The hypothesis is finally explored that neurosis transmission through generations is effected by influence of parental Super-Ego on the development of Super-Ego in the offspring.;

René Laforgue, La nevrosi familiare in "INTERAZIONI" 1/2007, pp 43-60, DOI: