Confronto tra indici di consistenza interna

Titolo Rivista DiPAV - QUADERNI
Autori/Curatori Roberto Burro
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/20
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 41-50 Dimensione file 157 KB
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In analyses of test data according to traditional test theory, the emphasis is on item and sample statistics calculated in terms of raw score: probably the best known of these statistics are the KR-20, KR-21, Cronbach’s alpha and Split-half indices of internal consistency. In most cases, these index are equal. In contrast, the emphasis in latent trait theory is on item and person parameter estimates and on variances of these estimates. From the point of view of latent trait theory using the Montecarlo method and Rasch simple logistic model, it is shown that KR-20, KR-21, Cronbach’s alpha and Split-half are still equal.;

Roberto Burro, Confronto tra indici di consistenza interna in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 20/2007, pp 41-50, DOI: