Svelare la biofilia nei bambini attraverso l’active silence training: un approccio sperimentale

Autori/Curatori Giuseppe Barbiero, Rita Berto, Doju Dinajara Freire, Maria Ferrando, Elena Camino
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 11 P. 99-109 Dimensione file 113 KB
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Biophilia - the innate tendency of human beings to focus on and to affiliate with natural life emotionally occurs spontaneously in school children. In this study we hypothesized that the development of biophilia is fa168 cilitated by an active silence training (AST). In AST silent observation is used as a means to achieve self-knowledge, while games are used as away of evoking fascination, i.e. to help directed attention to rest and to be restored. Therefore an experimental protocol was set up with aim to assess how effective the AST would be in restoring the attention of 120 children of a primary school in Aosta (Italy). The results show that the experimental group’s performance on the attention test improved as a result of the AST, without affecting neither systolic nor diastolic blood pressure. Hence, AST seems to be a good way to restore children’s attentional capacity.;

Giuseppe Barbiero, Rita Berto, Doju Dinajara Freire, Maria Ferrando, Elena Camino, Svelare la biofilia nei bambini attraverso l’active silence training: un approccio sperimentale in "CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA '" 2/2007, pp 99-109, DOI: