Press representation of child work: an exploratory study

Titolo Rivista RISORSA UOMO
Autori/Curatori Michela Cortini, Paula Benevene
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 87-101 Dimensione file 132 KB
DOI 10.3280/RU2009-001007
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Child work, child labor, social representations, content-analysis, discourseanalysis - The present study aims at investigating the social representation of child work in the press. According to the macro-hypothesis, there should be a stereotyped and negative representation of child work, that does not distinguish between legal and illegal works, between child work and adolescent work and, more generally, does not consider that in same cases work can be a training opportunity. 82 articles on child work, issued in the Italian press between 2003-2005 have been analysed with the software T-Lab, in terms of both content and discourse analysis. The results are only in part consistent with the main hypothesis, showing a problematic and multifaceted representation of child work with also positive elements, especially for what concerns the Catholic press.;

Michela Cortini, Paula Benevene, Press representation of child work: an exploratory study in "RISORSA UOMO " 1/2009, pp 87-101, DOI: 10.3280/RU2009-001007