"Dietro un muro di ferro". Un reportage dai territori

Autori/Curatori Alberto Guasco
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. 85-98 Dimensione file 166 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2009-002008
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"Dietro un muro di ferro". Un reportage dai territori - This is a reportage of last August’s journey into the West Bank. It speaks about the "iron wall" in which, in 1923, Zeev Jabotinsky - father of the right-wing Revisionists-Zionists movement - considered necessary to confine the arabic population. It speaks of the cities and villages: Aboud, Qalqilya, Taybeh, Ramallah, Bir Zeit, Betlemme, At-Tuwani and Hebron. Of meetings with its people: Michel Sabbah, the patriarch of Jerusalem; priests from Aboud, Taybeh and Gaza; doctors at the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in Qalqilya; agronomists at the Palestinian Agricultural Development Association; attorneys-at law at the Mandela Center; embroiderers at the Palestinian Melchite Embrodery Center; violinists at Ramallah’s music school Al Kamandjati; theologians at the Al-Liqa Center; nuns at the Bethlehem Charitas Baby Hospital, and ordinary families from Bethlehem and Jerusalem. It pretends only to be a direct encounter with the faces and voices of the Palestinian people.

Key Words: West Bank, wall, check-point, Jerusalem, water, olive trees.

Parole Chiave: West Bank, muro, check point, Gerusalemme, acqua, ulivi.;

Alberto Guasco, "Dietro un muro di ferro". Un reportage dai territori in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 2/2009, pp 85-98, DOI: 10.3280/HM2009-002008