Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Andrea Calori
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/60
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 24-27 Dimensione file 127 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-060004
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The worlds of agriculture have been an integral part of the urban planning policies of many cities and international institutions for some years now. Despite this, agriculture and rural development subjects have only formed part of the debate on planning for a short while, suffering from delays connected with a more general development of planning as part of that ‘overcoming the rural’ made explicit by ‘modern’ development. The essays states and connects some fundamental passages with which the role of the rural has been reconstructed at global level in recent decades, providing new contents for action plans. Key words: urban agriculture; development; sustainability The worlds of agriculture have been an integral part of the urban planning policies of many cities and international institutions for some years now. Despite this, agriculture and rural development subjects have only formed part of the debate on planning for a short while, suffering from delays connected with a more general development of planning as part of that ‘overcoming the rural’ made explicit by ‘modern’ development. The essays states and connects some fundamental passages with which the role of the rural has been reconstructed at global level in recent decades, providing new contents for action plans.;
Keywords:Urban agriculture; development; sustainability
Andrea Calori, Agricoltura, città e stili di sviluppo nell’evoluzione dell’agenda istituzionale mondiale in "TERRITORIO" 60/2012, pp 24-27, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-060004