Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Laura Balboni, Paolo Corradini
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2013/65
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. 106-119 Dimensione file 1514 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2013-065017
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This paper starts with the records that were found during the course of research conducted in public and private archives in Milan, which revealed the existence of unique drawings of great interest and with a direct comparison with the relative buildings. It then discusses the events which led to the construction of the Città degli Studi campus in Milan, focusing on the Polytechnic area and on an examination of some of its main buildings. The study forms part of a larger research project which looks at the changes and expansions of the city that occurred until the 1960s. It throws new light on the building of the campus through the sequence of the proposed designs until they were implemented with a focus on the relationships between building, teaching and research programmes, with the objective of forming a body of knowledge of use in safeguarding these buildings of this historical centre.;
Keywords:Città Studi; Polytechnic; designs
Laura Balboni, Paolo Corradini, Il Politecnico di Milano e la Città degli Studi. Programmi, progetti, realizzazioni (1912-1927) in "TERRITORIO" 65/2013, pp 106-119, DOI: 10.3280/TR2013-065017