La sfida umanitaria. Lavorare con "Medici Senza Frontiere"

Autori/Curatori Antonio Virgilio
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2013/11
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 7 P. 107-113 Dimensione file 1540 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2013-011011
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The relations between Pasolini and Lotta Continua movement were complex and dialectic: the 70’s movements, in his opinion, didn’t understand the poetry’s deep-rooted antagonistic feature, while the young accused him of not understanding the “fiery time”. Pasolini helped Lotta Continua to make 12 dicembre documentary, a journey in the early 70’s Italy, among faces that looked fake and reciting to the writer, hopes and resignation, pictures from a different country and still topical and crucial subjects; the movie guides us through the doubts about Piazza Fontana’s outrage, the Resistance ideals disappointed by the democratic state, workplace deaths and damages to the workers’ health, unemployment, civil-war-like scenes of the Reggio’s risings and standardization following capitalistic models and values, a brake that stops the construction of an alternative society even today.;

Keywords:Pasolini, Lotta Continua, ’68, 70’s, Piazza Fontana, Italy.

Antonio Virgilio, La sfida umanitaria. Lavorare con "Medici Senza Frontiere" in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 11/2013, pp 107-113, DOI: 10.3280/HM2013-011011