Teacher burnout: the protective role of contextual factors and perceptions related to school efficacy and territorial resources

Author/s Giovanna Petrillo, Anna Rosa Donizzetti
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 96-119 File size 415 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2013-002007
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The literature on teacher burnout explored the relationship between burnout and the factors that contribute or that can protect from this risk. The effect of the school environment (normal or at risk for dropout and delays of students), teachers’ believes in school efficacy, and related to territorial resources in which the school is situated on teacher burnout is less explored. These variables were considered in this study with the aim to analyze its protective role against burnout. Participants were 174 high school teachers, which were administered the Collective Efficacy Scale linking school context, Perception of Territorial Resources Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The results of the multiple regressions confirm the protective function of the school collective efficacy and territorial resources for burnout and particularly for the dimension of personal accomplishment; while the perception of territorial resources remains significant negative predictor of depersonalization and emotional exhaustion. These results are in line with new approaches to burnout, considered as a construct arising not only from individual, but also organizational and social factors. The results of the study may be useful to design strategies to prevent teacher burnout focused on strengthening of the relations between teachers and other educational components, as well as the strengthening of human, materials and environment resources in the local area of the school.

Keywords: Teachers burnout, collective efficacy, territorial resources, school context

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Giovanna Petrillo, Anna Rosa Donizzetti, Burnout degli insegnanti: il ruolo protettivo dei fattori contestuali e delle percezioni riferite all’efficacia scolastica e alle risorse del territorio in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 2/2013, pp 96-119, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2013-002007