Unfolding the growing confidence in Latin American unions: a longitudinal analysis

Titolo Rivista ARGOMENTI
Autori/Curatori Lorenzo Frangi, Vincenzo Memoli
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2013/38
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. 25-46 Dimensione file 670 KB
DOI 10.3280/ARG2013-038002
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The relevance of unions in labour dynamics has been widely explored. However, little attention has been given to the relationship between society, broadly considered, and unions. Drawing on this perspective, this paper offers a longitudinal analysis (2004-2009) of the social confidence in unions in 17 Latin American (LA) countries. Despite the different union specificities in these countries, we focus on the most important common aspects of these unions, through a historical lens. This analysis allows us to develop some hypotheses about the tenets of the growing level of confidence in unions. We test them through a double-level empirical regression model based on Latin Barometer surveys and national economic indicators. The economic perception and the political and trustful orientations of the citizens play an important role in their confidence orientation towards unions.;

Keywords:Sindacato, fiducia sociale, fiducia istituzionale, America Latina, latinobarometro

Jel codes:J51, J59.

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Lorenzo Frangi, Vincenzo Memoli, Unfolding the growing confidence in Latin American unions: a longitudinal analysis in "ARGOMENTI" 38/2013, pp 25-46, DOI: 10.3280/ARG2013-038002