Minor crops exploitation to promote sustainability and healthy food production

Autori/Curatori Andrea Brunori, Antonella Del Fiore, Patrizia De Rossi, Chiara Nobili, Ombretta Presenti, Silvia Procacci, Valentina Tolaini, Fabio Vitali
Anno di pubblicazione 2014 Fascicolo 2014/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 35-44 Dimensione file 154 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2014-001004
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Quantity and quality food production is a key component of well-being in its most modern and complete meaning. In this view, it has a significant impact on all aspects of social, cultural, environmental and economic development. For the future, the great challenge of agri-food sector is to carry out production systems that simultaneously adapt agriculture to territory, ensuring food supply, and significantly affect the health of consumers. The aim of this work is to reflect on the use of some minor crops, eco-friendly and rich in bioactive compounds, for sustainable production of ingredients for healthy foods.;

Keywords:Sostenibilità, agricoltura sostenibile, filiera agroalimentare, colture minori, alimenti salutistici, consumatore

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  • Exploitation of Tartary Buckwheat as Sustainable Ingredient for Healthy Foods Production Valentina Tolaini, Antonella Del Fiore, Chiara Nobili, Ombretta Presenti, Patrizia De Rossi, Silvia Procacci, Fabio Vitali, Andrea Brunori, in Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia /2016 pp.455
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Andrea Brunori, Antonella Del Fiore, Patrizia De Rossi, Chiara Nobili, Ombretta Presenti, Silvia Procacci, Valentina Tolaini, Fabio Vitali, Minor crops exploitation to promote sustainability and healthy food production in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2014, pp 35-44, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2014-001004