Talento e attivazione sociale nei processi d’invecchiamento. Evidenze empiriche da uno studio di caso genovese

Autori/Curatori Stefano Poli
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/106
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 30 P. 115-144 Dimensione file 133 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2015-106006
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Considering the diffused ageing processes of population, the International Monetary Fund has recently stressed on the «longevity risk» (2012) deriving from a potential increase of just three years in average longevity scarcely bearable for the national welfare systems as well for the entire international economy. In a different perspective, the article explores the dimension of elderly social talent, proposing a predictive model that, considering different generative factors, shows the multifaceted complexity of contemporary older people, deepening the mechanisms behind their social activation processes and reevaluating, beyond persistent cultural stereotypes, elderly people as collective resources and not in terms of mere social cost.;

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  • Criteri corretti e condivisi per una valutazione buona e utile della ricerca Mauro Palumbo, Carlo Pennisi, in SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI 2/2015 pp.73
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Stefano Poli, Talento e attivazione sociale nei processi d’invecchiamento. Evidenze empiriche da uno studio di caso genovese in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 106/2015, pp 115-144, DOI: 10.3280/SR2015-106006