Autori/Curatori Anna Carreri
Anno di pubblicazione 2017 Fascicolo 2017/146
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 172-187 Dimensione file 115 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2017-146011
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In the sociological literature, several studies have shown that the economic and organizational changes, including the growth of the service sector and the diffusion of new technologies, have altered the productive and reproductive processes as well as their spatial and temporal dimensions typical of Fordism. In order to shed light on how knowledge workers position themselves with respect to the management of the new spatial and temporal dimensions that (re)productive practices today imply, the article adopts specific analytical tools coming from the interdisciplinary area of boundary-studies, within a perspective focused on the subjective experiences and qualitative dimensions of time. With this approach, a discourse analysis was conducted on 45 qualitative interviews addressed to knowledge workers with caring responsibilities. The results show that the permeability and flexibility of new (re)productive practices, often presented as new opportunities for knowledge workers, especially if they are female, are experienced differently by men and women: they represent for the first ones a new control source, while for the latter ones they constitute a fictitious if not constricting process.;
Keywords:Boundary-work; lavoro della conoscenza; conciliazione famiglia-lavoro; tempo
Anna Carreri, Nuove articolazioni spazio-temporali del boundary-work. Il caso dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici della conoscenza in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 146/2017, pp 172-187, DOI: 10.3280/SL2017-146011