Learning and Transformation in Adulthood: Identity Transitions through the Pedagogical Perspective

Author/s Sergio Bellantonio
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 66-78 File size 161 KB
DOI 10.3280/ERP2018-002005
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The process of construction of personal and social identity today takes place in a scenario more problematic than in the past. For this reason, the identity transi-tions is read by the pedagogy as an existential condition accompanying the adult-hood in its entirety, namely as a more or less lasting condition that distinguishes the many steps that invest individual biographies. The identity transitions test then those subject’s competences that give coherence to personal biography, even more in a historical moment where seem to lack the possibilities to integrate past, present and future experiences, giving them a direction of sense. From a pedagogical point of view, it is then essential to develop reflective and metacognitive competences useful to maintain an existential route, where become increasingly complex to pre-figure the final destination.

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Sergio Bellantonio, Apprendimento e trasformazione in età adulta: le transizioni identitarie secondo la prospettiva pedagogica in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 2/2018, pp 66-78, DOI: 10.3280/ERP2018-002005