Le forme dell’O.D. Apprendimenti ispirati dall’esperienza con il Terzo Settore produttivo

Author/s Mauro Tomè
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/32
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 108-126 File size 441 KB
DOI 10.3280/EDS2019-032005
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The O.D. Shapes. Some learnings from O.D. experiences with the Third Sector. Is the Organ-ization Development (O.D.) approach really in crisis? Is it necessary to define a current and new O.D.? These questions lead the development of the paper. The immediate answers are two. Firstly, the crisis concerns a specific idea of O.D., the idea built to help some typical or-ganization sixty or more years ago. Secondly, there are different "shapes" of O.D.; every of these must be used for a specific kind of organization and environment. Now, maybe, the most appropriate O.D. shape to respond to current needs of the organizations is the "Clinical O.D.". The Clinical O.D. is an approach founded on consultant tools - that consents to face up to the most important current problem for organizations and managers: the insecurity. This issue is really evident inside the Italian Third Sector organizations, that have to change inside a world that is very different from the past; for a large part of Third Sector managers this goal is not easy to reach. They have to learn new languages, new capabilities and so on; but they are not sure this is sufficient and they have not got good criteria and tool to verify this. The "Cynefin Framework" offers criteria to connect specific O.D. shapes to specific needs of the historical period and kind of organizations. Finally, the author defines an O.D. proposal, i.e. the "Clinical O.D." and focuses other O.D. shapes, connecting them to specific features of the organization and of its environment or its market.

Keywords: Shape, insecurity, Clinical O.D., third sector, environment, consulting, organiza-tion, customer.

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Mauro Tomè, Le forme dell’O.D. Apprendimenti ispirati dall’esperienza con il Terzo Settore produttivo in "EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE" 32/2019, pp 108-126, DOI: 10.3280/EDS2019-032005