Il finanziamento delle reti cliniche. Il caso della rete metropolitana di endoscopia toracica

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Aldo Bonadies, Edoardo Bevini, Chiara Gibertoni, Anna Maria Petrini
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/116
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 75-88 File size 230 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2020-116005
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The implementation of network organizational models, for example Hub & Spoke, creates high specialty centers (hubs) characterized by a high absorption of resources that differentiates them from the other nodes of the network (spoke), also in terms of cost structure, which, for the definition of the role assumed within the model, are certainly characterized by a different cost structure. In this way, therefore, the bias deriving from the adoption of the DRG system as a financing system in the context of network models is highlighted. In order to evaluate this implication, a cost analysis was conducted - with the use of activity based costing - estimating the cost differentials associated with some procedures provided at the hub of the Bologna metropolitan network of thoracic endoscopy. Keywords: costs, clinical network, Hub & Spoke organizations, endoscopy, innovation, integration.

Keywords: Costi, rete clinica, Hub & Spoke, endoscopia, innovazione, integrazione.

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Aldo Bonadies, Edoardo Bevini, Chiara Gibertoni, Anna Maria Petrini, Il finanziamento delle reti cliniche. Il caso della rete metropolitana di endoscopia toracica in "MECOSAN" 116/2020, pp 75-88, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2020-116005