Titolo Rivista MISSION
Autori/Curatori Valentina Grigolin, Massimo De Mari, Elena Dinelli, Laura Marcolongo, Salvatore Montalto, Giordano Bruno Padovan, Gjergji Pojani, Fabiola Zorzi, Patrizia Orcamo, Felice Alfonso Nava
Anno di pubblicazione 2021 Fascicolo 2020/55
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 4 P. 32-35 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mis55-2020oa12160
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The Covid-19 emergency in prisons is a public health warming due to overcrowding, poor structural conditions,and life promiscuities.Worldwide a lot of prisoners were Sars-CoV-2 positive and in Italy several outbreaks occurred in many prisons.This paper examines, using a clinical audit, a Covid-19 outbreak occurred in an Italian prison during the spring2021.The study showed that the best measures to mitigate the outbreak negative consequences both in prisoners andin the staff are the preventive actions, the hygiene and disinfection of the common detention areas; the reductionof overcrowding; the stop of the working activities during the quarantine period.Only an improvement of living conditions inside the prisons may reduce the risk of infection among inmates.
The Covid-19 emergency in prisons is a public health warming due to overcrowding, poor structural conditions,and life promiscuities.Worldwide a lot of prisoners were Sars-CoV-2 positive and in Italy several outbreaks occurred in many prisons.This paper examines, using a clinical audit, a Covid-19 outbreak occurred in an Italian prison during the spring2021.The study showed that the best measures to mitigate the outbreak negative consequences both in prisoners andin the staff are the preventive actions, the hygiene and disinfection of the common detention areas; the reductionof overcrowding; the stop of the working activities during the quarantine period.Only an improvement of living conditions inside the prisons may reduce the risk of infection among inmates.
Keywords:; Covid-19; Overcrowding; Prison; Outbreaks
Valentina Grigolin, Massimo De Mari, Elena Dinelli, Laura Marcolongo, Salvatore Montalto, Giordano Bruno Padovan, Gjergji Pojani, Fabiola Zorzi, Patrizia Orcamo, Felice Alfonso Nava, Prison health is a public health: Management of Sars-CoV-2 outbreak in an Italian prison in "MISSION" 55/2020, pp 32-35, DOI: 10.3280/mis55-2020oa12160