Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Andrea Arzenton, Cinzia Nicolais
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/100
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 92-103 File size 826 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2022-100011
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Considering that cartography is inadequate to represent the complexity of the contemporary city, with the rich mosaic of practices generated by the multiplicity of its populations, the research aims to construct a different urban image to describe the generation and evolution of new dynamics of life and work, connected in particular to the emergence of the population of riders. Nomadic workers of the city, riders are bringing to the city an innovative point of view, which is investigated through a method aimed at bringing out from the mental maps drawn by the riders themselves the geography generated by their movement. From here, a project of light infrastructure of the city is developed, to support the work of riders and the habitability of all citizens.
Keywords: riders; mental maps; geographies
Andrea Arzenton, Cinzia Nicolais, Nuove geografie urbane. Le mappe dei rider riscrivono la città in "TERRITORIO" 100/2022, pp 92-103, DOI: 10.3280/TR2022-100011