The Ager Nolanus Table from De Nola Treatise as prototype of modern cartography

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Alessandra Avella, Nicola Pisacane, Pasquale Argenziano
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/100
Language English Pages 12 P. 164-175 File size 865 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2022-100019
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This paper analyzes the Ager Nolanus Table by Ambrogio Leone and Gerolamo Mocetto attached to De Nola Treatise (1514). The analyses involved several iconographic aspects, including typographical ones, those relating to the technical construction of the drawing, the representation methods used, and the cartographic representation techniques until the comparison with the current geography of the places through contemporary cartography. This research uses digital graphic analysis for each of the identified aspects. The result of the comparative analysis of the Table, also in comparison with the other three Tables attached to the Treatise, highlighted its prototype character in the context of modern cartography.

Keywords: documentation; drawing; gis

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Alessandra Avella, Nicola Pisacane, Pasquale Argenziano, The Ager Nolanus Table from De Nola Treatise as prototype of modern cartography in "TERRITORIO" 100/2022, pp 164-175, DOI: 10.3280/TR2022-100019