Government agencies in the field of sustainable agricultural development in various countries

Autori/Curatori Vilayat Ismayilo, Namig Shalbuzov, Vusala Karimova, Abbas Safarov, Lala Cabbarli
Anno di pubblicazione 2023 Fascicolo 2022/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 19 P. 165-183 Dimensione file 101 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2022-002011
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The agriculture sector is a sphere, which importance grows year by year, with grow-ing populations and the need to ensure food security and sustainable rural development in the world and in each country in particular. In addition, environmental conservation and climate change are also the responsibility of agricultural authori-ties. Decisions need to be taken both domestically and globally, for this to happen, each country’s government and global Unions and Commissions must function. Also important are the general aspects of the modern world that include globaliza-tion, the introduction of innovations, financing, vector to provide industries with highly qualified personnel, the possibility of dialogue between the state and socie-ty. The aim of the work is to study government in the field of agriculture sector of various countries. This article is based on the analysis of government in the field of agriculture in different countries, the study of the problems and ways of solving emerging issues by these departments. The article focused on aspects of the transi-tion to the digital economy (in particular, digital government) and the problem of retaining personnel in rural areas. The review of many governments has revealed that, despite different power structures, climatic and social conditions, the agricul-tural sector functions and is managed uniformly. Decisions are made at several levels, namely regional, domestic and global. The main governing bodies are the Departments of Agriculture of the countries, which interact with various sectoral organizations and civil society. They all report to the Government, and most coun-tries are members of international Unions and Commissions to discuss global is-sues and perspectives. All available means, including digital innovation and the assistance of skilled personnel, should be used for the success and development of all governments, in fact, precisely these aspects are the most relevant areas of pub-lic administration development.

Keywords:digital government, agricultural sector, state support, management, public administration.

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Vilayat Ismayilo, Namig Shalbuzov, Vusala Karimova, Abbas Safarov, Lala Cabbarli, Government agencies in the field of sustainable agricultural development in various countries in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2022, pp 165-183, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2022-002011