Extortion activity in Italy. New dynamics, critical issues and desirable solutions

Author/s Roberta Aurilia, Giacomo Di Gennaro
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/1
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 155-170 File size 185 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2023-001014
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The crime of extortion is characterized by a high charge of negative value as by weakening and victimizing that part of society that represents the economic-productive fabric of the country it generates insecurity, threatens and damages the growth and development of local businesses and at the same time causes serious social alarm. The use of extortion practices by criminal organizations has changed over time, relegating the predatory practice to a more marginal scenario in favor of the entrepreneurial one. The expansionist aims of the mafia factions are no longer limited to the territories of origin, but the movement has generated new settlement, both in national and international territories. After analyzing the main characteris-tics of the crime of extortion and its transformations, as well as the sociological profile that affects the actors involved, the paper focuses on the existing preven-tion and contrast tools, both on a legislative and social level, underlining their criti-calities and the desirable solutions.

Keywords: Extortion; organized crime; risk assessment; victimization; social alert; prevention.

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Roberta Aurilia, Giacomo Di Gennaro, L’attività estorsiva in Italia. Nuove dinamiche, criticità e soluzioni auspicabili in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 1/2023, pp 155-170, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2023-001014