On the dense city: Hong Kong through the concepts of concern, specialization, and inequality

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Gianni Talamini
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/102
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 152-163 File size 341 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2022-102019
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Settlement concentration catalyzes the advancement of urban planning techniques and their translation into legislative provisions, the synthesis of new building typologies, the morphological evolution of the territory, economic specialization, and social differentiation. This article illustrates the notion of a dense city and, referring to Bernardo Secchi’s theoretical contribution, outlines and applies an interpretive prism consisting of the concepts of concern, specialization and inequality to the analysis of Hong Kong, here serving as an extreme case of settlement concentration. The resulting multilevel framework shows how the dense city – owing to its arising as a planning laboratory, synthesizer of new spatial forms and arena of social conflicts – lies at the centre of the new urban question.

Keywords: settlement concentration; urban density; Hong Kong

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Gianni Talamini, Sulla città densa: Hong Kong attraverso le figure di preoccupazione, specializzazione, disuguaglianza in "TERRITORIO" 102/2022, pp 152-163, DOI: 10.3280/TR2022-102019