The role of innovation in sustainable development and improving the competitiveness of business structures in Kazakhstan

Autori/Curatori Mukhamedkhanova Ainur, Yelikbay Maksat
Anno di pubblicazione 2023 Fascicolo 2023/1
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 13 P. 139-151 Dimensione file 126 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2023-001008
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The article analyzes innovative services introduced into the production of business structures in Kazakhstan to increase sustainable development. When forecasting the prospects for the development of business structures, the changes that oc-curred under the influence of the external environment were analyzed, production and technological aspects were substantiated. In the agricultural sector, the pro-duction of new innovative products on the basis of an innovative technological integration association of business structures increases the volume, quality and ef-ficiency of their production. As a result of studying the theoretical and methodical foundations for the for-mation and development of innovative entrepreneurship, the concept of “innova-tive-cooperative entrepreneurship” and “innovative-integration entrepreneurship” structures was developed, in the long term, the creation of new innovative produc-tion business structures was proposed. It was established that Ordabasy Kus LLP, based on innovative entrepreneurship, is the first innovative enterprise in Kazakhstan to apply a new approach to inno-vative management based on the constant search for new opportunities. This business structure allowed to increase the competitiveness of products and enterprises by output of new products, expanding the range of products, improving product quality, identifying distribution channels, and reducing costs through the introduction of dozens of new production, process, product and marketing innova-tions at their enterprises.

Keywords:innovations, sustainable development, cooperation, innovative coop-eration, organizational innovations, innovative products, meat processing, math-ematical models.

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Mukhamedkhanova Ainur, Yelikbay Maksat, The role of innovation in sustainable development and improving the competitiveness of business structures in Kazakhstan in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2023, pp 139-151, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2023-001008