«Normality was the problem!» Femminismi e Commoning nella riproduzione sociale della città

Titolo Rivista CRIOS
Autori/Curatori Stefania Ragozino, Gabriella Esposito De Vita, Stefania Oppido
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2022/24
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 8 P. 74-81 Dimensione file 595 KB
DOI 10.3280/CRIOS2022-024009
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The research is part of the intense relationship between feminisms and commoning, with the general aim of reflecting on the real and potential role of women in the experiences of mutualism that nourish forms of collective life and paths of re-appropriation of spaces, practices and rights in urban scenarios. A gendered vision is consistent with the theoretical foundations of commoning, a phenomenon perceived as an alternative to individualism and capitalist isolation, insofar as it is capable of giving voice to a new debate on a fairer and more effective management of resources and spaces. Through a critical reading of the literature on social reproduction, a vision of common reproduction is proposed with the ultimate aim of contributing to the debate on the need to generate new theories and urban models more consistent with current social challenges.

Keywords:teorie urbane, femminismi, commoning, beni comuni urbani, vita quotidiana, riproduzione comune

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Stefania Ragozino, Gabriella Esposito De Vita, Stefania Oppido, «Normality was the problem!» Femminismi e Commoning nella riproduzione sociale della città in "CRIOS" 24/2022, pp 74-81, DOI: 10.3280/CRIOS2022-024009