La formation des enseignants d’histoire en France à l’épreuve de la professionnalisation… et retour (1991-2022)

Autori/Curatori Christian Delacroix
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2024/123
Lingua Francese Numero pagine 19 P. 116-134 Dimensione file 200 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2024-123008
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The training of history (and geography) teachers in France is analysed on the basis of the various reforms of recruitment examinations since the 1990s. The quasi-equivalence between professionalisation and pedagogical/didactic training is a constant in the arguments of these reforms, which steadily increased in line with a clear shift towards the civic dimension of the tests, regardless of political changes and in line with the managerial ideology prevailing in ministerial circles at the time. It is also a new look at the relationship between scientific and didactic aspects of teacher education. The balance between strictly disciplinary (scientific) and pedagogical content was a central theme in the debates.

Keywords:concorsi di reclutamento, formazione degli insegnanti, epistemologia, professionalizzazione, didattica, ideologia manageriale

Christian Delacroix, La formation des enseignants d’histoire en France à l’épreuve de la professionnalisation… et retour (1991-2022) in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 123/2024, pp 116-134, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2024-123008