Autori/Curatori Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Natalia N. Shash, Natalia A. Gurevich, Ekaterina V. Chetvertakova
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2024/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 15 P. 11-25 Dimensione file 267 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2024-002002
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The article analyzes the practice of implementation of platform approach as a vector of development and one of the types of effective business model. The strengths and weaknesses of using digital platform solutions in the activities of companies are highlighted. Restrictive barriers to the successful implementation of platform solutions are outlined, characterized by: a certain discrepancy between hardware capabilities and software solutions; insufficient level of security of the existing information and communication infrastructure; the degree of receptivity of the company to the implementation and use of digital solutions depending on the life cycle of the organization. Thematic areas of the company’s activities are identified, the focus on which will improve the efficiency of digital technology im-plementation. By combining elements of the linguistic approach, based on identi-fying the number of repetitions of key thematic areas, and the matrix method, the study proposes a matrix of correlation of sustainable development goals by the-matic areas, which, by correlating each variable with the others in pairs by rows and columns, made it possible to clearly demonstrate the contextual relationships between the analyzed variables. It is concluded that the key thematic areas of im-plementation of the sustainable development goals identified by the linguistic method are correlated with the thematic sectors of digital platform solutions. A nomenclature of sustainability assessment indicators characterizing in quantitative and qualitative aspects the degree of compliance of the company’s activities with the implementation of sustainable development goals in the system of platform economy is proposed.
Keywords:platform economy, sustainable development, matrix, thematic area, digital platforms.
Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Natalia N. Shash, Natalia A. Gurevich, Ekaterina V. Chetvertakova, Assessment of sustainable development of an enterprise in a platform economy in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2024, pp 11-25, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2024-002002