The habitats of the mafia in Northern Italy

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Elena Granata, Paola Savoldi
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/63
Language Italian Pages 1 P. 16-16 File size 123 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-063002
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The long sleep is over. The North, or at least the most active part of it, is not sleeping any longer. It no longer thinks that the mafia or the ‘ndrangheta are things that don’t concern it, or that the most that northern citizens and young people (as, to their praise, schools and local authorities have done since the 1980s) can do is to twin with towns in the south, to support those in the so-called front line regions that are fighting against organised crime. Finally a revolutionary conviction is making headway: the mafia clans are at our own doors. They are seeking places on our local town councils. They are redrawing our towns and rewriting our planning rules. They are attacking an economy which was assumed to be virgin. They are changing civic morality (Antimafia in the North, Nando dalla Chiesa, 2011).

Keywords: Mafia; territory; Northern Italy

  • La città multiculturale inaspettata: forme dell'abitare, differenze e pianificazione urbana a partire dal caso di una piccola città in Brianza Roberta Marzorati, in ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI 114/2015 pp.97
    DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2015-114005

Elena Granata, Paola Savoldi, Gli habitat delle mafie nel Nord Italia in "TERRITORIO" 63/2012, pp 16-16, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-063002