Fascicolo 2/2017 ESS - Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum
- Michele Corsi, Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum (Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum)
- Pier Giuseppe Rossi, The curriculum
- Pier Giuseppe Rossi, The curriculum, the macro design and the micro design, and the curriculum transposition
- Laura Fedeli, School, curriculum and technology: the what and how of their connections (School, curriculum and technology: the what and how of their connections)
- Catia Giaconi, Noemi Del Bianco, Simone Capellini, Arianna Taddei, Curriculum and inclusion: critical issues and redefinition lines (Curriculum and inclusion: critical issues and redefinition lines)
- Antonella Montone, The design of a vertical curriculum: travelling with mathematics (The design of a vertical curriculum: travelling with mathematics)
- Valentina Pennazio, Thinking the curriculum in an inclusive perspective: challenges and opportunities (Thinking the curriculum in an inclusive perspective: challenges and opportunities)
- Nancy Granger, France Dubé, Sustain resource teachers in the appropriation of the graphic organizer to facilitate the understanding of disciplinary texts among at risk students at the secondary level
- Marco Catarci, Matilde Rocchi, ALIA. The Inclusion of Unaccompanied Minors in Italy (ALIA. The Inclusion of Unaccompanied Minors in Italy)
- Arianna Taddei, ALIA.The initial training of educators for Early Childhood Education and Care in Italy: normative and curricular aspects
- Maurizio Fabbri, ALIA. Listening to death (ALIA. Listening to death)
- Giancarlo Costabile, ALIA. The Gentile’s concept of Machiavelli. Returning to the origins of the educational community in interiore homine (ALIA. The Gentile’s concept of Machiavelli. Returning to the origins of the educational community in interiore homine)
- Noemi Del Bianco, Arianna Taddei, Catia Giaconi, Book reviews/Recensioni
Fascicolo 1/2017 Educational Abuse and Violence against Children/L’abuso educativo e la violenza sui minori
- Michele Corsi, Massimiliano Stramaglia, Elisabetta Biffi, Ioanna Palaiologou, The rights of children and the duties of adults
- Francesca Borruso, For a childhood story. Social representations, childhood memories and educational abuses (Per una storia dell’infanzia. Rappresentazioni sociali, memorie bambine e abusi educativi)
- Maria Grazia Riva, What can not be said: the failure of the ‘child’s century’ (Ciò che non può essere detto: il fallimento del ‘secolo del bambino’)
- Vanna Iori, Ten years from Lanzarote (A dieci anni da Lanzarote)
- Elisabetta Biffi, Protecting minors against violence: from strategy to practice (Tutelare i minori contro la violenza: dalle strategie alle pratiche)
- Silvia Demozzi, The "subtle violence" Adultized children and educational challenges (La "violenza sottile" Infanzia adultizzata e sfide pedagogiche)
- Daniele Novara, Violence in the conflicts between parents and children (La violenza nei conflitti tra genitori e figli)
- Tatjana Vujovic, Child Abuse by Parents and Its Influence on the Development of Juvenile Delinquency
- Ruth Pinedo Gonzàlez, History of violence and other stressful life events in youth offenders (Historia de violencia y otros sucesos vitales estresantes en jóvenes infractores)
- Ioanna Palaiologou, Digital violence and children under five: The Phantom Menace within digital homes of the 21st century?
- Silvia Edling, Guadalupe Francia, Newly arrived pupils and violence: A CDA analysis of political advices regarding strategies and responsibilities for various actors in Swedish education
- Stefania Ulivieri Strozzi, Lessico pedagogico. Violenza sui minori
- Alessandra Pantaleone, Approfondimento bibliografico. Infanzia violata
- Serena Sani, School Dropout of Immigrant Students in the European School Systems: a Pedagogic Perspective (ALIA. La dispersione scolastica degli alunni immigrati nei sistemi di istruzione europei: una lettura pedagogica)
- Massimiliano Stramaglia, Michele Aglieri, Gabriella Aleandri, Book reviews/Recensioni