2 issues per year, ISSNe 2532-2826
Pnei Review, the official journal of the Italian Society of Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, a scientific society recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health, which has been active for 25 years in the field of research, teaching and scientific dissemination of the PNEI paradigm, published by Franco Angeli, Milan, aims to disseminate the systemic paradigm of Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, which forms the basis for the integration of medical and psychological sciences and practices. Integration between medicine and psychology, which is mature on a scientific level and is desired by relevant sectors of practitioners and users to overcome the spiral of rising costs-modest efficacy of treatments based on the reductionist drug-centric model. The accumulation of knowledge and experience on the integration of psychology and medicine, in turn, is essential for the development of the Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI) paradigm itself.
Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, in fact, is not Neuroendocrineimmunology. PNEI describes the relationships of mutual influence between psyche and biological systems, showing the scientific inconsistency of the reductionist dogma that makes the psyche a mere epiphenomenon of brain activity.
We are in a phase of research that allows the definitive overcoming of the dualistic conception of the human being without falling into the trap of the mind-brain identity, in the reduction of the psychic dimension to the biological one, from which it undoubtedly originates but on which it influences from the early stages of individual life. To this end, it is essential to criticise the philosophical foundations of contemporary reductionism and, at the same time, present the scientific evidence documenting the mutual influence of psyche and biological systems in health and illness.
Pnei Review will host integrated knowledge synthesis works on the functioning of the human network, essential for understanding, in a non-reductionistic way, the dynamics of health and disease and thus build a dynamic pathophysiological vision, open to molecular updates and preventive and therapeutic strategies. The compartmentalisation of knowledge must be overcome because it is an obstacle to understanding the pathogenesis and to proposing personalised therapies, without underestimating, indeed enhancing, the study of the molecular dimension, which, with epigenetics, shows that even the genome is flexible and responsive to the environment and behaviour.
In Pnei Review we therefore welcome reviews (narrative, purposive, systematic) and research original research in the field of human pathophysiology and in the integration of medicine and psychology. Also welcome are scientific papers documenting the role of behaviour (nutrition, physical activity, stress and emotion management, sleep), of the socio-environmental conditions (inequalities, pollution, climate change), of complementary therapeutic methods with scientific evidence (phytotherapy, acupuncture meditation, mind-body techniques, osteopathy), in prevention and therapy. It will also host and will also actively seek opinions, comments, essays on the philosophical and cultural foundations of PNEI and related disciplines (psychology, sociology, neuroscience, endocrinology, immunology, epigenetics and molecular biology).
Francesco Bottaccioli, D.Phil., Psy.D. Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Filippo Angelini, MD, resident, Università di Udine
Franco Baldoni, MD, PhD, Università di Bologna
Psicologia perinatale, attaccamento familiare e funzioni genitoriali. Perinatal psychology, family attachment and parental functions
Mauro Bologna, MD, Università dell’Aquila
Ambiente, Inquinamento, Clima e Salute. Environment, Pollution, Climate and Health
Anna Giulia Bottaccioli, MD, Università di Milano
Clinica medica e cure integrate. Medicine and integrated care
Lorenzo Chiariotti, MD, Università di Napoli Federico II
Epigenetica e biologia molecolare. Epigenetics and molecular biology
Ilaria Demori, PhD, Università di Genova
Stress, fisiologia e clinica. Stress, physiology and clinics
David Lazzari, Psy.D. Università Cattolica, Roma
Psicologia sanitaria e Sanità pubblica. Health psychology and Public Health
Ketti Mazzocco, PhD, Università di Milano
Psicologia, psiconcologia e trattamenti integrati. Psychology, psycho-oncology and integrated treatments
Andrea Minelli, MD, Università di Urbino
Carico allostatico, Neuroscienze. Allostatic load, Neuroscience
Alessio Fasano, MD, W. Allan Walker Professor of Pediatrics MGB. Chief of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Director of The Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center and The Center for Celiac Research and Treatment. Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Angelo Gemignani MD, Psychiatrist, PhD, Professor of Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, Università di Pisa. Director of Dep. of Neuroscience Azienda Ospedaliera Università di Pisa (AOUP). Director of Master Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices, Università di Pisa
Keith W. Kelley, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Immunophysiology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Visiting Scholar, Shenzhen University, China. Founding and Managing Associate Editor, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity-Integrative. Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
Susan Lutgendorf, PhD, FAAS Dewey B. and Velma P. Stuit Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Professor Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology| Urology. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. University of Iowa
Carmine M. Pariante, MD, FRCPsych, PhD Professor of Biological Psychiatry and NIHR Senior Investigator. Editor-in-Chief, Brain Behavior & Immunity and Brain Behavior & Immunity – Health Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London.
George M. Slavich, Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. Director, Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research. Director, California Stress, Trauma, & Resilience Network. Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles
Paolo Vineis MD, MRC Centre for Environment and Health School of Public Health, Imperial College London. Accademico dei Lincei.
Massimo Agnoletti, PhD, Stress management, Venezia Raffaele Ambrosio DMD, Università di Napoli
Marina Amore, Psy.D. psicoterapeuta psicoanalista Isipsé, Milano
Nicola Barsotti, MSc. fisioterapista, osteopata, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Laura Bastianelli, Psy.D. psicoterapeuta, Università Pontificia, Roma
Alessandro Bianchi, Psy.D. psicoterapeuta, Presidente Istituto di Psicologia funzionale Firenze
Alessandra Borsini, PhD, FHEA Lecturer Programme Leader MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mind-Body Interface, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London
Raffaella Cardone, Psy.D. psicoterapeuta, Università di Napoli
Franco Cracolici, MD, direttore Scuola di Agopuntura tradizionale, Città di Firenze, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Choi Deblieck, PhD Cognitive Neurosciences and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Senior researcher at the Lab for Equilibrium Investigations and Aerospace (LEIA) at the University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Maria Luisa De Luca, PhD, Professoressa di Psicopatologia, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma
Isabel Fernandez, Psy.D. Presidente Associazione EMDR Italia
Emanuela Ferrari, PhD, nutrizionista, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Carlo Maria Giovanardi, MD Presidente Federazione italiana Società di Agopuntura
Irene Leo, PhD Professoressa associata Dipartimento Psicologa dello sviluppo e socializzazione, Università di Padova
Mirko La Bella, Psy.D., EMDR psicoterapeuta, Torino
Diego Lanaro, PhD, Osteopata e istruttore Tai Ji, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Federica Lavista, MD, neuroscienze, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Giulia Lombardo, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London
Eleonora Lombardi Mistura, MD pediatra, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Paolo Migone, MD, psichiatra psicoanalista, direttore della rivista Psicoterapia e scienze umane, Bologna
Alessandra Milani, MSc Nursing, Direttrice didattica Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica, Università di Milano
Alessandra Minelli, PhD, Professoressa associata in Psicobiologia, Psicoterapeuta, Dipartimento di Medicina Transazionale e Molecolare, Divisione di Biologia e Genetica, Università di Brescia
Valeria Mondelli MD, PhD, Psichiatra, Professoressa di Psiconeuroimmunologia, The Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute, London
Gianfranco Porcile MD oncologo, Genova
Michela Rimondini, PhD, Professoressa associata Psicologia clinica, Dipartimento Neuroscienze, Biomedicina e Movimento Università di Verona
Marcello Romeo, MD, PhD, Università di Parma
Rosario Savino,MD neuropsichiatra infantile, psicoterapeuta, Università di Napoli
Luca Sforzini, MD, PhD Psichiatra, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience
King’s College London. Stress, Psychiatry & Immunology (SPI) Lab., Psychoimmunometabolix & Interaction with the Environment (PIXIE) Lab.
Margriet Sitskoorn Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology, Head Dep. of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Director Zero Poverty Lab Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Laura Vaccaro, Psy.D. psicoterapeuta, Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma
Bart Walsh, MSW, Milton H. Ericson Institute in Portland, Oregon, USA
For info angelini.filippo.05@gmail.com
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