SelfBrand - The evolution.

Donatella Rampado

SelfBrand - The evolution.

Turn yourself into an authentic brand!

Seven years on from the first edition, with thousands of copies sold, SelfBrand returns in a completely revised, updated edition. A concise, accessible book, it is meant for those who view time dedicated to themselves as an investment and for those who want to avoid the most common mistakes associated with building one’s reputation and find the right tools for planning their professional future.

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788891746696

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Publisher code: 1796.327

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788891748645

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Publisher code: 1796.327

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

This is a book for those who have decided to invest in themselves. We cannot wait for other people to confirm what our role is or what our objectives should be; we need to clarify these things for ourselves, reinforcing our brand and getting it across effectively as possible.
Seven years on from the first edition, with thousands of copies sold, SelfBrand returns in a completely revised, updated edition to help us understand:
- How we see ourselves
- How others see us
- How we present ourselves to the world
- How we can build our SelfBrand
- How we can use traditional channels (radio, TV and newspapers) and social media to put it across
- How to build and maintain a network of useful relationships
- What rules we need to follow in the different phases: startup, growth and maintenance, and the Power Selfbrand phase.
- How to defend ourselves from attacks against our brand reputation.

A concise, accessible book, it is meant for those who view time dedicated to themselves as an investment,and for those who want to avoid the most common mistakes associated with. A consultant, trainer and writer, Donatella Rampado was the first person in Italy to work with and disseminate the concept of SelfBrand. She is also the author of 5 modi efficaci per crescere. Dalla Customer Care al Customer Service (Five effective ways to grow, from customer care to customer service"), (Franco Angeli, 2011).

What a Brand Is
(How is a brand born?; Why one should have a brand; Let's talk about brand reputation; How to measure reputation)
From the Brand to the SelfBrand
(Brand, SelfBrand, personal brand and self-marketing; What does it mean to have a personal brand?; Why companies have to use the SelfBrand too; Who needs it and who doesn't)
How to Build a SelfBrand
(Market research; Exercise; The way you communicated your brand until yesterday; Ten basic principles; Recognition or vanity?)
The SelfBrand: Why, How, Where and When
(Words that present; One-way communication; Communication through multiple senses: Preparing the media kit; The social world; Live your SelfBrand intensely)
The SelfBrand: Image and Style
(Reinforce the content with the "packaging"; Create a brand style; Quality makes the impression)
Networking: The Alias and How to Build Your Web of Contacts
(Introduction: The relationship of high quality; Target networking with SelfBrand methodology; Where to conduct networking; Communication and bon ton; How to broaden your circle of contacts; The web: To use it or not to use it; Things to know, mistakes to avoid)
Managing and Maintaining Your Brand for the Long Term
(Us and others: Interaction in becoming; Public relations; The rules to communicate with media; How to defend your SelfBrand; Things to know, mistakes to avoid)
Thanks to

Serie: Trend

Subjects: Communication, Persuasion - Personal Growth

Level: Personal Development and Self-Help

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