Cinzia Maria Luisa Talamo

Economia circolare e nuovi scenari per il settore delle costruzioni

Modelli organizzativi e pratiche di riuso e remanufacturing nel comparto del terziario

Questo libro affronta il tema dell’economia circolare nel settore delle costruzioni, focalizzando l’attenzione sulle possibilità di diffusione delle strategie di rimanufattura, ricondizionamento, riuso e rifunzionalizzazione di prodotti e sistemi edilizi. Il focus della ricerca è posto sugli edifici terziari: il testo esamina le strategie e i modelli organizzativi più promettenti per mantenere nel tempo il valore delle risorse ambientali ed economiche integrate nei manufatti a destinazione terziaria, una volta rimossi dagli edifici.

cod. 11330.7

Cinzia Maria Luisa Talamo

Re-manufacturing networks for tertiary architectures

Innovative organizational models towards circularity

This book deals with re-manufacturing, recondition, reuse and repurpose considered as winning strategies for boosting regenerative circular economy in the building sector. The book investigates the most promising strategies and organizational models to maintain over time the value of the environmental and economic resources integrated into manufactured products, once they have been removed from buildings, by extending their useful life and their usability with the lower possible consumption of other materials and energy and with the maximum containment of emissions into the environment.

cod. 11330.2

Carlo Vezzoli, Giovanni Maria Conti

Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems

The design for environmentally sustainable textile clothes and its Product-Service Systems

The Fashion System is one of the most polluting and most impactful industries on the environment. In the last decade the fashion industry has changed its approach, aware of the fact that the attention to the environment can no longer be considered a trend. This path shows the need to intervene in design terms and that the growth in responsibility and role of design, requiring reference scenarios, knowledge and new tools. The book defines the features and scenarios of sustainable development, as well as the evolution of sustainability in research and practice of fashion design, addressing the strategies for the design and development of environmentally sustainable products.

cod. 10319.13