Antonella Negri

Insegnare Italiano a stranieri

Percorsi formativi

Un manuale per chi, digiuno da una specifica formazione linguistica, voglia prepararsi per insegnare l’italiano lingua seconda, lingua straniera in Italia e all’estero presso scuole, università e imprese. Linguisti, storici della lingua, glottodidatti, filologi, operatori della scuola e del comparto sociale forniscono le competenze glottodidattiche e linguistiche ai docenti in formazione.

cod. 1058.39

Gloria Cocchi

Basic English Syntax

This book is designed as an introduction to English syntax, in that it offers an overview of the core syntactic phenomena which characterize this language and proposes a principled explanation for them. Though we will base our discussion on English, this language will often be contrasted with other languages, in order to show how phenomena that look different may be given a common explanation, based on a diverse parametric choice.

cod. 1058.54

Gloria Cocchi

Advanced English Syntax

This work, together with the previously published Basic English Syntax (2019), contains a discussion of the core syntactic phenomena which characterize the English language and proposes a principled explanation for them. In particular, this volume investigates rather complex syntactic constructions, such as infinitival clauses, relative clauses or clauses with a marked word order. Gloria Cocchi teaches General Linguistics at the University of Urbino.

cod. 1058.60