Giusi Antonia Toto, Sebastiano Valerio

Evoluzioni di hackathon

L’esperienza del Wellbeethon

Il volume raccoglie risultati, suggestioni e processi derivati dall’esperienza del “Wellbeethon: la Maratona del Benessere”, sviluppata nel Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Foggia, un progetto hackathon che rappresenta un piano d’azione per coniugare bisogni formativi ed esigenze sociali. La riflessione si arricchisce di una serie di contributi che esplorano le diverse dimensioni del benessere, da ritrovare e promuovere nella prassi educativa.

cod. 1749.5

Carmen Bruno, Silvia Maria Gramegna

Design Tools

A reflection towards the definition of a taxonomy

This book aims at encompassing the panorama of design tools being developed, tested and adopted: an original taxonomy that guides towards the organization of design tools and a representative collection of design tools developed within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano with specific instructions on how to use them.

cod. 10319.15

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Design Research in the Digital Era.

Opportunities and implications. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2020

This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing digital transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology, are debated and how such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models.

cod. 10319.4

Anna Meroni, Daniela Selloni

Massive Codesign.

A Proposal for a Collaborative Design Framework

This book focuses on “massive codesign”: the idea that multiple and/or numerous participants having different voices collaborate in a design process broken down into different steps and formats and resulting in a relevant and diversified amount of data.

cod. 10319.1