Agostino Cappelli, Alessandra Libardo

Environment, land use and transportation systems.

Selected papers

This volume includes a selection of the papers presented during the 2011 Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Transportation Scholars (SIDT). The papers provide an overview on the research activities of SIDT members, representing all the Italian university professors and researchers who study and teach topics in transportation, and contributing to the community debate on transport systems and related topics.

cod. 1797.42

Agostino Cappelli, Alessandra Libardo

Italian Megaprojects: High-Speed Railway Feasibility


Fascicolo: Suppl. 3 / 2010

This paper analyzes the feasibility of a new high-speed railway line (megaproject) in order to establish and verify the minimal conditions, that influence the results of the analysis (parameter values of: cost per km, amount of demand and share of diverted traffic from road system). Feasibility is investigated from the many different standpoints, such as those represented by the Infrastructure Manager, the Railway Operator and the Community. As for the first two subjects involved in the projects, their financial sustainability must be verified; for the latter, the economic achievability needs to be proved.

Il volume approfondisce le tematiche metodologiche relative alla stima di indicatori territoriali a partire dai risultati di indagini campionarie e dall’integrazione con altre fonti informative; analizza poi la distribuzione territoriale delle forze lavoro, la povertà ed esclusione sociale, la dotazione infrastrutturale, l’accessibilità e la domanda di mobilità e trasporto.

cod. 365.720

Attilio Belli, Giuseppe De Luca

Territori regionali e infrastrutture.

La possibile alleanza

Gli atti del Convegno “Grandi infrastrutture e governo del territorio”: il testo sviluppa una riflessione su strategie, metodi e strumenti per la costruzione di nuove relazioni tra trasformazioni infrastrutturali (europee, nazionali e locali) e valori, rischi, qualità, ma anche diritti di cittadinanza locale.

cod. 1862.118