Gabriele Barbaresco, Michela Matarazzo

Le medie imprese acquisite dall'estero.

Nuova linfa al Made in Italy o perdita delle radici?

Il volume intende far luce sull’impatto che potrà avere sul futuro dell’industria italiana l’ondata di acquisizioni di nostre imprese dall’estero, un fenomeno, di straordinaria rilevanza, visto da alcuni come il riconoscimento del persistente valore del Made in Italy e considerato da altri come segno del declino industriale del Paese e dell’inconsistenza del sistema Italia.

cod. 1820.317

Roberto Bruni, Michela Matarazzo, Dus?an Mladenovic´

Figure of Merit for places: Perspectives on place branding


Fascicolo: 3 / 2017

Building on the formula of "Figure of Merit" used in technology studies, this work aims at findings analogism in place marketing by presenting "Figure of Merit for Places"; the identified formula represents the possible decision making algorithm that the cluster of Digital Nomads could use to choose a place to live for a period of life. The framework is useful both to place marketers and managers - identifying value proposition and the cost-of-living and cost for accessibility - and to the place demand - discovering the benefits to choose a place to live for a period. The analogism comes from the opportunity to study the Digital Nomads (DNs) that are emerging as a maximizer cluster. They live for different periods in different territories respecting the places and diffusing traditions, cultures, impressions and e xperiences; these characteristics stimulate the place marketing activities of the territories (demand driven) and contribute, indirectly, to place branding strategies (supply driven).

Michela Matarazzo, Gabriele Barbaresco, Resciniti Riccardo

Effects of cultural distance on foreign acquisitions: evidence from italian acquired firms


Fascicolo: 3 / 2016

The present paper aims at analyzing the influence of cultural distance on acquisitions from MNEs of Italian mid-sized firms in terms of the economic performance of target firms. In literature a variety of works has focused on cultural distance as an explicative variable of the results of cross-border acquisitions. Using data from the Mediobanca Research Department Database we analyze Italian midsized firms acquired from MNEs between 1999 and 2009, in order to understand whether or not their performance improved over the post-acquisition period. Using a multidimensional measure of cultural distance, we tested the relationship between cultural distance and target firm’s performance in cross-border acquisitions by means of a regression analysis. Our study is the first to examine the impact of cultural distance on post-acquisition performance using the universe of Italian acquired midsized firms. The findings support our hypothesis that cultural distance has a negative effect on post-acquisition performance.

Michela Matarazzo, Riccardo Resciniti, Georg Schufft

La valutazione dell’effetto "made in Europe": un’indagine empirica cross-national


Fascicolo: 3 / 2014

This research analyzes the marketing potential of "made in Europe", which has been little studied in literature on country of origin to date. In particular, the paper shows under what conditions a brand like "made in Europe", may be a viable alternative to the nation brand. To this end, two experiments were employed through an online questionnaire administered to two samples of Italian and German consumers. The results suggest that in situations of product country mismatch, particularly when a product is not associated to the manufacture tradition of the European country, the consumers prefer goods labeled "made in Europe" rather than nationally labeled ones. A number of managerial implications and suggestions for future researches are discussed.

Riccardo Resciniti, Donatella Fortuna

Strategie e posizionamento nei mercati esteri.

I percorsi di sviluppo delle medie imprese campane

I risultati di un’indagine svolta in Campania, che evidenzia un quadro non del tutto coerente con le direttrici suggerite dall’evoluzione di scenario e dagli studi in tema di strategie e posizionamento nei mercati esteri. Emergono tuttavia percorsi di successo con interessanti spunti critici sul piano teorico.

cod. 365.980

Michela Matarazzo, Riccardo Resciniti

Studies on firms’ internationalisation in italian journals: themes, trends and future directions


Fascicolo: 4 / 2010

The growing importance of internationalisation strategies leads us to investigate the development trend of the research contributions and attempt to bridge the gap in the Italian versus the international literature. The paper conducts a review of the Italian journals and is a significant step forward in highlighting the relevance of internationalisation as an "exit strategy" from the current global economic crisis and market stagnation. The research reviews the articles published in 11 leading Italian journals in the 1999-2009 period. After analysing the foreign reviews of international management and international business research, the paper surveys the articles and research areas found in the Italian literature on firms internationalisation and compares them with the international literature. A total of 266 articles were identified and subsequently grouped into seven distinct topics in line with the framework adopted. The review then divides each of the topics into sub-topics. The discussion highlights the areas in which key contributions have been made and indicates potential areas for future research in the Italian literature.

Michela Matarazzo

Creazione di valore per il cliente nel B2C attraverso la marca: il caso


Fascicolo: 2 / 2003

Nella seconda fase della net economy la marca sembra acquistare rinnovato vigore ricevendo da Internet un importante contributo in termini di arricchimento dei contenuti semantici e valoriali. Il presente lavoro intende appunto focalizzarsi sul nuovo ruolo della marca in rete nel processo di creazione del valore per il cliente, enfatizzando soprattutto i benefici relativi alla sfera psico-sociologica dell’individuo che rappresentano la base di un’esperienza di consumo unica. In tale ottica, la marca in rete favorisce lo spostamento dell’impresa dall’offerta di prodotti all’offerta di esperienze. Emblematico in tal senso è il caso, in cui all’unicità dell’esperienza proposta fa riscontro l’originalità del modello di business, nonché della mission aziendale. Il sito web fornisce la rappresentazione del mondo che sta dietro al brand, fatto di eventi, personaggi, luoghi, da cui prende vita un’esperienza in grado di coinvolgere emotivamente il visitatore interessato. In tal modo, il cliente sviluppa attaccamento e devozione verso l’impresa, diventando un suo messaggero, un portavoce dei valori aziendali in cui egli stesso si identifica, esprimendoli nel vivere quotidiano.

Michela Matarazzo

Le strategie internazionali delle medie imprese.

Modalità di entrata e nuovi mercati

Il volume analizza il fenomeno dell’internazionalizzazione, focalizzandosi sulle strategie di entrata nei mercati esteri e assumendo come unità di analisi la media impresa, categoria rappresentativa del successo del Made in Italy nel mondo.

cod. 619.2