La valutazione dell’effetto "made in Europe": un’indagine empirica cross-national

Autori/Curatori Michela Matarazzo, Riccardo Resciniti, Georg Schufft
Anno di pubblicazione 2014 Fascicolo 2014/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. 7-31 Dimensione file 97 KB
DOI 10.3280/POLI2014-003001
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This research analyzes the marketing potential of "made in Europe", which has been little studied in literature on country of origin to date. In particular, the paper shows under what conditions a brand like "made in Europe", may be a viable alternative to the nation brand. To this end, two experiments were employed through an online questionnaire administered to two samples of Italian and German consumers. The results suggest that in situations of product country mismatch, particularly when a product is not associated to the manufacture tradition of the European country, the consumers prefer goods labeled "made in Europe" rather than nationally labeled ones. A number of managerial implications and suggestions for future researches are discussed.;

Keywords:Marketing internazionale, country of origin, "made in Europe", nation branding, comportamento del consumatore

Jel codes:M31, M16

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Michela Matarazzo, Riccardo Resciniti, Georg Schufft, La valutazione dell’effetto "made in Europe": un’indagine empirica cross-national in "ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE " 3/2014, pp 7-31, DOI: 10.3280/POLI2014-003001