Miniere di zolfo, rete viaria e armatura urbana in Sicilia, 1838-1860

Titolo Rivista STORIA URBANA
Autori/Curatori Salvatore Vinciguerra
Anno di pubblicazione 2004 Fascicolo 2003/103
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. Dimensione file 80 KB
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In the XIXth century, before the unification of Italy, the sulphur production in the inland part of Sicily increased drammatically the economic gap between this area and the agricoltural districts which were cut off from the new international market. On the other side, the thick road network, built between 1838 and 1860 to transport the mineral output from the sulphur mines to the main commercial harbours, helped in forming a framework of medium towns that became a decisive factor in the development of a modern trading system.;

Salvatore Vinciguerra, Miniere di zolfo, rete viaria e armatura urbana in Sicilia, 1838-1860 in "STORIA URBANA " 103/2003, pp , DOI: