Madri povere senza fissa dimora e madri povere con fissa dimora: un'analisi della rete e del sostegno sociale negli Stati Uniti

Autori/Curatori Monique Clinton-Sherrod, Paul A. Toro, Pamela A. McCaskill, Renee S. BeShears, Elaine Cohen, Courtney J. Boyd
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. 135-158 Dimensione file 115 KB
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A comparison sample of 55 poor housed mothers (mostly from food programs) was matched to the homeless sample on several sociodemographic variables. Although the two groups of mothers were similar on most social network/support and other measures, the homeless mothers had weaker friends’ networks. In regression analyses examining predictors of social networks and support in the total group of 132 mothers, those with higher income from public assistance, who had lived in better quality housing environments over the past year, and not having a severe mental disorder had better scores on more than one of the four key social network/support measures examined. Other predictors of network/support included the mother’s age, the level of punishment she experienced as a child, and recent family conflict. Keywords: homeless, homeless families, social networks, social support;

Monique Clinton-Sherrod, Paul A. Toro, Pamela A. McCaskill, Renee S. BeShears, Elaine Cohen, Courtney J. Boyd, Madri povere senza fissa dimora e madri povere con fissa dimora: un'analisi della rete e del sostegno sociale negli Stati Uniti in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2007, pp 135-158, DOI: