Bene pubblico e Public Goody. Il grande fratello fra violenza e consenso

Autori/Curatori Giulio Itzcovich
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 23 P. 75-97 Dimensione file 201 KB
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Public Good and Public Goody. Big Brother from Violence to Consensus - This article describes and analyses the story of Jade Goody, a guest in the British edition of the television programme Big Brother in 2007, before then developing some thinking about Big Brother itself in legal theoretical and political terms. In this perspective, Big Brother is primarily a place in which public violence is perpetrated, thus violence is perpetrated legally in public: visibly and offered for viewing. Big Brother can be considered to be a tool for general positive prevention, or for an advertisemental production of consent: the production of an ethics of social communications, of politically correct; the construction and control of communications that become inextricably public and private. As a metaphor for social life and an institution where psychology and experimental method converge with the reinvention of everyday life as a piece of show business, but also repression and penal prevention, construction of its audience, publicity and torment, Big Brother appears to be a paradigm of the control society, as distinct from the disciplinary society.;

Giulio Itzcovich, Bene pubblico e Public Goody. Il grande fratello fra violenza e consenso in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2008, pp 75-97, DOI: