The distribution of risks in the employment relationship in the light of French law

Autori/Curatori Pascal Lokiec
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 163-172 Dimensione file 294 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2009-002010
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The Distribution of Risks in the Employment Relationship in the Light of French Law - A business enterprise, in which most employment relationships take place, is a considerable source of risk for its members, both partners or shareholders and employees, especially if it takes the legal form of a company quoted on the stock exchange. The law has established a clear distinction between the actors who are involved in the company, with regard to the distribution of risks. Shareholders should bear the risks (though the risks they bear are limited in certain companies), while employees are risk-free. The evolutions coming from both employment and company law tend to modify this traditional way of distributing risks in companies: more and more pressure is put on employees to shoulder some of the risks of production, either by buying shares in the company or by adapting their remuneration or their working hours to its financial and productive health. The distribution of risk is evolving towards a transfer of some of it to employees.;

Pascal Lokiec, The distribution of risks in the employment relationship in the light of French law in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2009, pp 163-172, DOI: 10.3280/SD2009-002010