Circular economy and sharing consumption: Attitudes towards low-carbon tourism

Autori/Curatori Sebastiano Patti
Anno di pubblicazione 2017 Fascicolo 2017/1-2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 16 P. 219-234 Dimensione file 377 KB
DOI 10.3280/EFE2017-001011
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The paper focuses on attitude towards circular economy and low-carbon tourism (CE and L-CT) by investigating consumption behavior of people who use sharing utilities. Attitudes towards CE and L-CT concern ecological, socio-economic and developmental impact. Low-carbon tourism helps to reduce water, electricity and other energy consumption as well as waste and contribute to reduce greenhouse gas emission such as carbon dioxide. The requirements of CE and L-CT are transportation, consumption, accomodation and less travel footprint (Yang, 2015). Different motivational factors affect tourists’ behavior in sharing goods and services, such as environmental protection, lower costs, research of a sustainable style of lyfe, wellness and so on. The study examines how consumer behavior can influence CE and L-CT attitude and how the former can be a determinant of the latter. It explores also motivations to share utilities and the knowledge and sensibility towards circular economy.

Keywords:Circular economy, sharing consumption, low-carbon tourism, factor analysis.

Jel codes:Q5, Z3, C38

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Sebastiano Patti, Circular economy and sharing consumption: Attitudes towards low-carbon tourism in "ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT" 1-2/2017, pp 219-234, DOI: 10.3280/EFE2017-001011