Evaluation of Social Media in Teaching in Oral Radiology

Autori/Curatori Murilo Miranda Viana, Danyel Elias da Cruz Perez, Laís Cesar de Vasconcelos, Andrea dos Anjos Pontual, Flavia Maria de Moraes Ramos-Perez, Maria Luiza dos Anjos Pontual
Anno di pubblicazione 2020 Fascicolo 2020/1
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 13 P. 464-476 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess1-2020oa9455
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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the use of social media (Facebook and Instagram) in the teaching-learning process in Oral Radiology I and II of the dentistry courses. Materials and Methods: The evaluation was based on the students 'opinions and suggestions regarding a questionnaire applied to the use of social media in the classroom, complemented by the students' performance, through the analysis of general averages before and after the use of social media. All students who completed Oral Radiology I and II courses, 2 years after the implementation of social media in 2015, answered the questionnaire (n = 340). The scores were compared between 3 years before and after the start of the social media project in the courses. Results: There was a decrease in the number of students who needed to re-sit the test to get them approved, and an increase in the scores of students who attended the course after implementation; these factors were significant for both courses (p< 0.05; Mann-Whitney). They replied were satisfied and that the use of social media helped them in academic development. Conclusion: The use of social media contributes to increasing the academic performance of the students, establishing an interconnection between students and teachers in the construction of knowledge and pedagogical practice, and improving socialization, encouraging them to develop new projects.

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Murilo Miranda Viana, Danyel Elias da Cruz Perez, Laís Cesar de Vasconcelos, Andrea dos Anjos Pontual, Flavia Maria de Moraes Ramos-Perez, Maria Luiza dos Anjos Pontual, Evaluation of Social Media in Teaching in Oral Radiology in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 1/2020, pp 464-476, DOI: 10.3280/ess1-2020oa9455