E-prescribing: the rise of socio-tech-med micronetworks of care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Autori/Curatori Monica Murero
Anno di pubblicazione 2021 Fascicolo 2021/suppl. 2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 15 P. 104-118 Dimensione file 689 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2021-002-S1007
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The present paper critically investigates the rise of e-prescribing socio-tech-med micronetworks of health care in Northern Italy and the role of innovative caregivers. Based on semi-structured one-to-one discursive interviews, this study’s results show that e-prescribing innovative practices modify four domains: 1) introduce techno-care fluctuating dynamics, 2) modify spaces and time barriers to care, c) build socio-tech-med micro-networked connections, and d) create innovative "technological" carers. The interdigital carer may support distinctive forms of techno-based senior care in Italy, diffuse e-prescribing culture, and transmediate health objects and services. Careful planning and human-tailored decisionmaking are necessary to normalize e-prescribing socio-tech-med practices and avoid digital health inequalities in pandemic and post-pandemic scenarios.

Keywords:e-prescribing; digital health; interdigital caregivers; socio-tech-med; micronetworks of care; COVID-19

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Monica Murero, E-prescribing: the rise of socio-tech-med micronetworks of care during the COVID-19 pandemic in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" suppl. 2/2021, pp 104-118, DOI: 10.3280/SES2021-002-S1007